Hi, friends.

The temptation to start posting as if this site has always existed and will always exist is strong, but I promised authenticity… so here we are. This is The First Post.

A little awkward, isn’t it? Like arriving early to a party at the house of someone you don’t know. I wish there were a writing equivalent to looking at my phone.

I guess the best way to start this off is to make some spiel as far as what this will all be about. Well, I’ve been working in the food industry for a long time (check the credentials, if you must), and I’ve been eating and drinking for even longer. I am also completely allergic to the artificial formality and enforced wholesomeness of the food and beverage space. I am not perfect. Neither are you. Sometimes we are people who enjoy a 5-course tasting menu with wine pairings, but more often we are the people scarfing down stale In-N-Out fries while claiming we hate them and swigging from a bottle of $2 riesling.

That’s cool, though. I like that for us. We contain multitudes. As I venture forward with this blog? no website. no… project, I want to focus on what matters: us, and our multitudes. Not corporations, advertisers, or even really cool celebrities who start luxury mezcal brands. Just us.

(NOTE TO LUXURY MEZCAL BRANDS: You’re VERY welcome to send me your mezcal, just know that I will be 1000% honest about how that shit tastes, even if the packaging is really cool).

…Anyway. I promise you, reader, to never pretend to be anything more than I am, and I promise the same for the places, people, and things I tell you about.

If you’re reading this, you’re my friend. And friends don’t steer each other wrong, do they?


My Product Review Rules